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an animal

i value the animalistic part of human nature.

humans are animals. we evolved in the wild, competiting for the resources and facing violence. our bodies are designed to react quickly to changes in the environment, often with body responses that can be unpleasant.

as for now, to fit it in current norms we have to repress a lot — anger, dissapointment, fear; sometimes even joy and excitement.

and hence, whenever i can, i let my animal out.
i swear freely (in suitable environments). when i'm home alone, sometimes i eat with my hands and bite into food rather than using a fork and a knife. i scream out loud when i get a chance (concerts are perfect for this). i go to ecstatic dance events time to time and move however i want, surrounded by others doing the same. i laugh heartily, when i feel like it.

they are my little moments of freedom. they do a lot.