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about me

let's call me M. nice to meet you!

i’m in my late twenties; a mathematician by education, and now working as a software engineer (for six+ years). i'm also studying a gestalt educational program (for a four years already). and yeah, i've been in the therapy for almost five years by now.

i consider myself an high-sensetive person. i think there's going to be post dedicated to that topic.

i love to understand complex stuff. the most complex stuff i know is the people.

i write a lot, mostly to private notes, but i’m ready to share it to the world.

english is my second language (actually third, i studied german in school lol), but i really love it. it's a lil frustrating not to be able to express some thoughts on the same level as in native language and loose some of personal writing style, but let's make it a challenge.

ok let's go!